

Board Design

We design custom boards according to your needs. Past designs have included high power programmable switch-mode supplies, optical communication boards, and manufacturing control boards. We’re able to start at the initial stage of requirements gathering, moving to schematic capture and layout, and concluding with testing and documentation.

Our experience enables us to help you with your obsolescence or re-spin projects for existing boards. We are able to step in at any point of your project, whether it’s finding suitable replacement parts, performing FPGA or Microcontroller upgrades, or modifying/converting the schematic and layout files.

FPGA Firmware

In addition to our board design experience, Gilenberg Design Engineering is able to provide you with custom firmware development. Whether you have an existing in-house FPGA that requires additional features, or you’re designing a new board with an FPGA, let us help you with your project. We’ll make sure that all of your features get implemented, properly constrained, simulated, and tested.

Embedded Software

Many of today’s designs require a high throughput Microcontroller. Although, some designs can get away with simple bareboard software, many more require a Board Support Package (BSP) which includes a bootloader such as U-boot, an operating system such as Linux, and custom drivers for the devices unique to your board. Gilenberg Design Engineering can provide you with the entire package custom-tailored to your requirements. In addition we can provide you with Windows/Linux based drivers and software to make it easier for you and the end user to use your board.